guess what i've got
I checked my confirmation note. My flight was MH1155, not MH1161. So why did he tell me about MH1161's new flight timing? I called the toll-free number and asked that question. The man said, "Hold on, sir." A few moments later, he said my flight MH1155 had been cancelled "for technical reasons" and they had put me on MH1161. You got to give it to these guys; they could tell 2 days in advance that their plane was going to have technical problems.
"Leaving Penang at 8 pm is too late for me; can you put me on the 4 pm flight?"
"Hold on, sir." Then, "sorry sir, that flight is full. But we can put you on the 10 am morning flight if you wish." I said that was too early. When he said sorry, I used the magic word. "Firefly! Then put me on Firefly; there's one leaving at 4 pm."
"Sorry sir, that's full."
"That's not full. I have it on my screen and it's still selling." (In other words, don't try to bluff me, dude.)
"Sorry sir, we can't do that unless all the MAS flights are full."
Did you get that? That meant even if there are still seats left on the midnight flight, they will put me on the midnight flight and not on any alternative Firefly flights.
"No, I was put on Firefly 3 weeks ago when my MAS flight was cancelled."
Hold on, sir.
Can you give me your booking number of 3 weeks ago?
No, that was 3 weeks ago and I've thrown away my confirmatory note.
Hold on, sir.
We can only put you on Firefly if it is a Series 9 flight. That means it's coach sharing with MAS, and ...
Hey wait wait! Don't give me all these technical stuffs. You cancel my flight, your alternative flight is either too late or too early and that's not acceptable, so just put me on Firefly like what happened 3 weeks ago.
Hold on, sir.
Finally, Mr Hold On Sir came back on the line and said everything was ok, "You are now on Firefly FY2089 departing 4-10 pm. Just check in with the same booking number one hour before departure." Wow, I was soooooo happy. I even envisaged myself taking not one but two muffins from the Firefly air-hostess.
Then you know what happened? On Sunday, I confidently went to the Firefly counter in Penang and this was what the ground stewardess told me:
"Sorry sir, we can't issue you a boarding pass."
"Whaaaat!! Why not? The MAS guy said everything was alright and see, you even have my name on your system."
"There is a payment problem, sir."
"Can't be. I've paid MAS. Here, this is the proof ..."
"You see, sir; you have paid MAS but MAS has not paid us. So we can't issue you a boarding pass."
Sunday, December 27, 2009 9:38 PM
George denies linking SBY with Bank Century
The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Sun, 12/27/2009 8:47 PM | National
Author George Junus Aditjondro has denied his new book links President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to the scandal-ridden Bank Century.
“I never said that money from Century went to Yudhoyono,” he said in an interview with TVOne on Sunday"
“Please read the book carefully. What I said was one of the biggest depositors at Century was Budi Sampoerna, who was also a donors for Yudhoyono and his Democratic Party.”
He added Budi had invested Rp 150 billion (US$16 million) with the Journal Nasional daily newspaper, which effectively served as the mouthpiece for Yudhoyono and the Democrats for the elections earlier this year.
Gearge’s book, Unmasking the Cikeas Octopus: Behind the Bank Century Scandal, was initially set to be launched Wednesday.
But several bookstores, including Gramedia, withdrew the book, he said.
The book hinted that four Yudhoyono family four foundations – Puri Cikeas, Mutu Manikam Nusantara, Kepedulian dan Kesetiakawanan, and Madjelis Dzikir SBY – had been used to as fronts for financial support ahead of the presiden.
heeem karna aku rakus jadi aku pesen yang double deh :P
but you-know-what aku ga ngeliat harganya dulu and you-know-what ternyata harga es krim tersebut adalah 45.000 rupiah sodara sodara. it means that i spent 45.000 only for double ice cream. ooh goddamn...
baiklah. itu belum seberapa. aku pesen rum raisin dan mint chocolate sama mba2 baskin robinnya. setelah dibayar dan aku makan, well umh, it feels like cough syrup -__-
sialan ih. kirain gara2 namanya keren rasanya pasti enak, eh ternyata enggak. here are the pics, maaf kalo agak kabur soalnya diambil pake kamera handphone.
intinya adalah saya ga cocok makan es krim mewah seperti baskin robin dan eskrim di atas ini adalah es krim tergagal yang pernah saya makan setelah eskrim rasa duren hahahaha.
cheers :)
Foolish. Yes, I am.
yak, saya terlalu bodoh.
saya menghapus beberapa postingan yang sangat teramat begitu penting di blog ini. oh Tuhan bisakan waktu itu di-Undo? aku mau baca postingan yang duluuuuuuuuu!!!!
FYI: yang tau cara balikin posting yang uda kita hapus tolooongggg hubungi saya as soon as possible.
menjalani aktivitas yang sama tanpa ada perubahan.
rutinitas yang mengekang kebebasan.
tapi, itu bukan alasan aku harus bertingkah seperti binatang.
bosan yang tak berujung
kesabaran yang terus menerus diacu.
aah kenapa di setiap kehidupan harus ada tantangan.
kadang aku ga ngerti apa artinya tantangan dan supaya apa tantangan dibuat.
rasanya apa yang kta lakukan ga pernah benar dan selalu aja salah.
yaa, memang aku ga sempurna, dan ga bisa puas atas apapun itu.
apa Tuhan ga bisa menyiptakan kehidupan yang isinya senang2 aja?
rasanya...hidup ini mempunyai alur campuran. maju..mundur..maju..mundur..
I Just Want To Touch The Sky

even if the tell I can't touch the sky
that no one can
I know I can touch that sky
I will do it someday
I am not going to pressure
I just want to touch the sky
even if the tell I can't touch the sky
that no one can
I know I can touch that sky
They took me in a plane
to show me that I can not touch the sky
I knew it was going to be bad
If I go no to the sky
They do not understand
my wish to touch the sky
A sky that change
while I am wishing to touch it
Share. Udah lama diajadiin draft akhirnya dipublish juga
sekarang aku mau share drummer2 di dunia yang namanya masuk drummerworld.com dan mereka adalah favorit aku.
ya ya seperti yang kalian ketahui aku juga ikut les drum, tapi sekarang udah stop karena di smansa pulang sekolah jam 3.15, so i don't have much time.
well he's quite perfect in drumming, agak soft dan kerasa jazz nya. his unique approach to the drums is as much mental as it is physical.

sebenernya masih banyak lagii, tapi cuman itu yg bisa aku share, soo you want to check it more? just visit http://www.drummerworld.com/
Singkat. Tepat. Padat.
and the reason why i delete it is:
isi timeline itu2 aja (yah you-know-what-i-mean)
heran sama AGT* yang hobinya ngetwiiiiit mulu
ntar kalo disindir dikit malah ngelunjak
engga bisa jaga privasi sendiri
yah entar kalo pengen twitteran lagi paling2 bikin lagi.
so long, twitter -_-
*Anak Gaul Twitter
Have a Nice Holiday!
buktinyaaa sekarang aku uda di executive lounge garuda indonesia polonia airport! wooohooo
yess akhirnya aku liburan juga setelah memendam penat yang begitu dalam sedalam lautan *nyadar ga sih bahasaku sok mendramatisir*
baiklah. liburan kali ini saya habiskan di jogja-solo lagi.
bosen? engga. malah seneng. karna banyak hal2 yang sangat jarang aku temui di situ. mulai dari mbah2 yang suka nangkring jualan nasi liwet tiap pagi, aki2 yang suka maen kartu di pinggir jalan, wah what a nice look.
beda sama medan, medan yang beneeeeeeeeeerrr bener penat, panas, polusi, orang2 yang kurang ramah.
waaah what i miss, aku pengen pindah dari sini.
oh iya, bentar lagi taun baru yaa, uda punya rencana new year eve dimana?
yang jelas taun baru kali ini kayaknya agak lebih suram. gatau kenapa, kayaknya sih lebih suram aja. mungkiin karna aku baru kehilangan seseorang yang precious, but i blamed him, just because of a simple thing.
stop talk about it, sekarang aku mau havefun selama liburan, see you dearly readers, talk to you later!
Love never leave
Through thick and thin you have been
Been in love and out again
Again you are here
here beside me forever be
Be what u always have been,be a light
light that guides me, my shining star
star that glows within my heart
heart on fire, emotions in flames
flames that burn me inside
inside this body filled with desire
desire that runs trough my veins
veins rushing with emotional need
need that only you can feel
Feel me, listen to my heart, hear me
hear me when i say i need u like the air i breath
breath life into me for without love I'd die
I'm Really Back!
bukannya sombong sih, aku cuman males ngepost, gatau mau ngepost apa dan aku juga ga punya banyak waktu buat online *serasa sibuk*
tapi emang bener sih, semenjak sma...gatau kenapa rasanya waktu itu ga cukup kalo cuman 24 jam. anyway i'm not a blogger, master of blogger, faktanya aku lebih suka cuman blogwalking daripada ngepost hehe -____-
well jadi sekarang aku mau usahain ngepost walupun cuman dikit2 supaya blog aku ini ga mati suri selamanya lagi. so, keep reading my blog yaaa
oh iya follow twitter aku: twitter.com/nilahani